SSB 3221 – Employee settlements, whistleblower protections and employment practices
SSB 3221 is the Senate’s response to the problems revealed so far by the Branstad Administration’s scandals, including hush money, questionable hiring practices and the treatment of whistleblowers. Key points of the bill include:
• Codifying key elements of Branstad Executive Order 85 and expanding the order to apply to all branches of state government.
• Requiring the State Auditor to review the personnel settlement agreements with terminated state employees, especially the agreements made outside of normal channels since January 2011. A report on the results must be submitted to the Legislature by December 1, 2014.
• Increasing taxpayer protections against cronyism by (1) requiring contracts to comply with the Iowa Code; (2) requiring a cost comparison before outside contractors are hired to ensure the cost is less than using state government employees; and, (3) creating a searchable budget database Internet site.
• Requiring all state positions to be openly advertised in all branches of government for all employee categories (including at-will, confidential and merit employees).
• Reforming the “do-not-hire” database to ensure notification, documentation, due process and an appeal process.
• Requiring transparency in bonus pay awarded to an executive branch employee in an amount over $200, including the name of the employee, the amount paid and the reasons for the bonus.
• Protecting whistleblowers by expanding protections for employees and private contractors working on government projects with state funds. The bill expands protections to whistleblowers who contact any person or organization, including but not limited to the media.
• Requiring reinstatement of the Vertical Infrastructure Council that ranks Capitol construction projects in order of need. Governor Branstad’s Executive Order 79 got rid of this important council. [4/23: 3-2, party line]