In communities both urban and rural, many Iowans have no way to get to work. Maybe their job is a couple towns away from where they live, or perhaps they work third shift in a town with no late-night public transit.
Either way, a lack of transportation can keep Iowans from accepting jobs, which limits an employer’s ability to grow their business. Ultimately, if Iowans don’t have a way to get to work, our economy suffers.
Senate File 110, which has been approved by the Senate Economic Growth Committee, would establish an Iowa Employment Rides Initiative to provide funds to public transit systems for programs and services that offer employment transportation to Iowans.
Grants for up to $150,000 will be offered on a competitive basis. The legislation would require a dollar-to-dollar match from the public transit system, and grants could only be used for operations to provide the service, not to purchase a vehicle.
The grants are for urban or rural transportation to and from the workplace only. The grants could go to a bus service, a shuttle service or a van pool. Nonprofit organization would also be eligible sub-recipients of the grants.
The Iowa Employment Rides Initiative is a another way we can help working Iowans find and keep good jobs, grow businesses and keep Iowa’s economy moving forward.